Learn Spanish at Market Fresh Grocery


Learn Spanish at Market Fresh Grocery

March 4, 2021

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Grocery shop with Dora for a delicious fruit salad!

Learn 5 words in Spanish that will help you the next time you are at the grocery store.

At the Children’s Museum of South Dakota, we love to shop for fruit in the grocery store. Play along with Dora who will teach you the Spanish words for five of our favorites.

Looking for more Spanish With Dora? Keep watching our blog to see which exhibit she visits next!

Video Transcript:

іHola amigos! (Hi friends!) Hi friends.

We are here in the grocery store. Estamos aquí en el supermercado. (We are here in the grocery store.) I am going to do a fruit salad. I’m going to make an excellent healthy recipe. Voy a hacer una muy buenasaludable receta ¡Vamos a comprar! (I’m going to make a very good, healthy recipe. Let’s go shopping!) 

Bananos or plátano (bananas)

We are going to buy. The first thing in the list. La primera en la lista (the first thing in the list) they are bananas, bananos (bananas). When it’s too many we say bananos (bananas). Because I need four necesito cuatro (I need four) we say bananos (bananas). When it’s only one we say banano (banana). Many is bananos (bananas). Only one banano. In some places they call plátano (banana). That is correct word, plátano is the same like banana. Bananos or plátanos (bananas).

Duraznos (peaches)

Next one in the list is peaches duraznos (peaches). we need two necesitamos dos (we need two) duraznos (peaches) duraznosMuy bien. 

Fresas (strawberries)

And next strawberries we need four. Necesitamos cuatro fresas una (we need four strawberries). Hmm, smells good! Because it’s a really good quality huele muy rico porque es de buena calidad (it smells good because it is good quality). Uno (one), dos (two), tres (three)cuatro fresas (four strawberries). Fresas (strawberries)Exactly! Muy bien (very good). 

Manzanas (apples)

And then I need apples manzanas (apples), manzanas (apples). We need two. Dos (two), una (one), dos (two). Smell good too. Huele muy rico (smell good too). 

Naranjas (oranges)

And then I need two orange. Dos naranjas (two oranges)naranjas (oranges)Muy bien (very good). Lo estás haciendo muy bien (we are doing really good). We are doing really good. Naranjas (oranges). 

And then we need two pears and lemon. That is for the fruits. Eso es solo para las frutas (That is for the fruits). And let me I check my recipe. Déjame mirar (let me see). And yogurt. We are going to put yogurt. That’s it! Es todo (that’s all). Now, we need to pay. Naranjas (oranges)lemons, pearsbananos (bananas), yogurtduraznos (peaches), manzanas (apples), fresas (strawberries)Listos! 

Want to go on another adventure with Dora?

This program was developed by the Children’s Museum of South Dakota with grant funding through the South Dakota Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.