Learn Spanish with Dora in the Prairie Barn


Learn Spanish with Dora in the Prairie Barn

December 6, 2021

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Learn 5 words in Spanish to use while playing in the prairie barn!

At the Children’s Museum of South Dakota, we love to take care of our barn animals. We especially love to play in prairie barn, one of our favorite exhibits.

Play along with Dora as she teaches five words in Spanish that you can use while playing in the prairie barn.

Looking for more Spanish With Dora? Keep watching our blog to see which exhibit she visits next!

Video Transcript:

Hi friends! ¡Hola amigos! (Hi friends!) We are in the farm. La finca (the farm). You could say “rancho”. Good morning, because the farm chores start early in the morning. Las tareas de la finca empiezan muy temprano. (The farm chores start early in the morning.) We need to be ready so I need your help. ¡Vamos! (Let’s go!) Let’s go!

La vaca (cow)

The first one start here, with the cow. La vaca (cow), la vaca (cow). Repeat? Muy bien, la vaca (very good, cow)

La leche (milk)

I am going to milk her, calm down honey. Oh! We get a lot of milk. La leche. (Milk) Fill it up here! It needs to be ready for the market. La leche (milk), la leche (milk). Repeat! Exactly! La leche (milk). Cat, don’t drink the milk. Be careful, hmm.

Las gallinas (hens/chickens)

We are going to go to the next chores with the hens. Las gallinas (hens/chickens), las gallinas (hens/chickens). Repeat! Muy bien (very good). You are learning, Las gallinas (hens/chickens).

Los huevos (eggs)

We are going to check how many eggs we have today. Oh, we have many, eggs. Los huevos (eggs), los huevos (eggs). You could say again? Oh muy bien! (Very good!) Los huevos. (Eggs.)


Now we are going to feeding the horses. Los caballos (horses). Hello friends! Hola, muy bien. (Hello, very good) This is your food, now we need to check the sheep. Oh, she still sleeping. La oveja (sheep). Hmm, be quiet.


Los cerdos (pig)

Now I need to feeding the pigs. Oh, look at the little baby. Los cerdos (pig), los cerdos (pig). Repeat? Absolutely. Los cerdos (pig).


I’m going to put food to be ready. Hmm, muy bien! (Very good!) Next chores is putting water in my flowers. Come with me. I have beautiful flowers. Oh, look at the colors. It’s very colorful. Oh! Las flores (flowers), hmm muy bien! (very good!) Oh, the cat is catching a mouse. Oh! We need to see it. Oh! That’s good, ok. That’s it for today. ¡Adios! (Bye!)

Want more Spanish With Dora?

This program was developed by the Children’s Museum of South Dakota with grant funding through the South Dakota Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.