Video Transcript:
іHola amigos! (Hi, friends!) Hi friends!
Hoy (Today) Today, Estamos aquí (We are here) We are here in Under the Hood, Debajo de (Under of)
We are going to work vamos a trabajar with the car, con el carro.
Repeat? іMuy bien! (Very good.) Y vamos a empezar … . We are going to start with the tire, Vamos a empezar con la llanta. Llanta (tire)
іMuy bien! (Very good)
Llanta (tire).
We are going to locate it here, vamos a ubicarla aquí, іMuy bien! (We are going to put here; very good!)
And then, luego, vamos a usar (Then, we are going to use) We are going to use this one, la llave, llave (wrench)
Repeat? іMuy bien! (Very good)
La llave (Wrench).
So, for this one para ésta (For this) We are going to use the bolt here, and I’m going to tighten for this one.
Make sure it’s very safe, other two, Necesitamos, otras dos (We are going to need other two) Tighten with the la llave (Wrench).
You need to be sure it’s very safe
La llanta (Tire).
That is ready, esa está lista (That is ready) Ahora vamos a poner el escape, el escape, the muffler (Now, we are going to put the muffler, the muffler).
We are going to tie here, way under, in this one we need to be very strong, muy fuertes (Very strong).
Ok, el escape (Muffler) Repeat, Muy bien (Very good)
El escape (Muffler).
Then, luego (Then) This is another project for me today, Es otro trabajo para mi (This is other work for me).
We are going to use this one, it’s antifreeze or, in Spanish, anticongelante, anticongelante (Antifreeze) Repeat? іMuy bien! (Very good)
Anticongelante (Antifreeze).
You got it, lo obtuvo (You got it) We are going to use it here, perfect, and now we’re going to check and see if its ready, go very inside, está muy adentro (It is so deep).
Now we are going to test, listen please, vamos a escuchar (We are going to listen) іListo! (Ready!)
Ready, that is for today, thank you, gracias! (Thank you!)