Learn Spanish While Visiting the Post Office


Learn Spanish While Visiting the Post Office

June 2, 2021

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Visit the post office to deliver some mail!

Learn 5 words in Spanish that you can use the next time you are visiting the post office.

At the Children’s Museum of South Dakota, we love to stop by the post office to mail letters and packages. Play along with Dora who will teach you five words in Spanish that you can use while visiting the post office.

Looking for more Spanish With Dora? Keep watching our blog to see which exhibit she visits next!

Video Transcript:

іHola amigos! (Hi friends!) Hi friends.

We are today in the post office. Hoy estamos en la oficina postal (We are today in the post office).

Correspondencia (mail)

We are going to check the mail. Vamos a chequear la correspondencia (We are going to check the mail). Correspondencia (mail)correspondencia (mail)Repeat! Muy bien! (Very good!) 

Paquetes (packages)

This is the box. Esta es la caja (This is the box). We have some here, some packages. Paquetes (packages)paquetes (packages). Repeat! Paquetes (Packages). ¡Hmm muy bien! (Hmm very good!)

Cartas (letters)

Hmm, we have some letters. Cartas (letters), cartas (letters). Repeat! Cartas (Letters). Hmmm ¡perfecto! (perfect!) 

Pesa (scale)

Ah! NextVamos a usar la pesa (we are going to use the scale). The scale. Pesa (scale), pesa (scale). Repeat! Pesa (scale). We are going to weigh this one. Mmm ¡muy bien! (very good!)

Estampilla (stamp)

Now we need to see if they have the stamp. Estampilla (stamp)estampilla (stamp)Repeat! Estampilla (stamp)Hmm I could listen you. Puedo escucharlos! (I can hear you!) And I need to separate the mail. Necesito separar la correspondencia (I need to separate the mail)The farm, Café Oscar, school, farm and farm. And for today, para hoy (for today), I’m going to delivery: Market, farm and Café Oscar. I need to put here… This package, the other one, some letters here, Café Oscar. Well is very full. Está muy lleno (It is very full). Now I need to use my hat, because you never know. Now, come with me! We are going to delivery! ¡Adios! (Bye!)

Want more Spanish With Dora?

This program was developed by the Children’s Museum of South Dakota with grant funding through the South Dakota Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.