Mama T. Rex and her son, Max, spend most of their time overlooking the outdoor prairie and watching children and families spend time together playing at the Children’s Museum of South Dakota.
But quiet days on the prairie turned to a buzz of energy when the Museum team learned that ESPN’s College GameDay was coming to town for the annual Dakota Marker football game between South Dakota State University and their northern rivals North Dakota State University.
Our primary job at the Children’s Museum of South Dakota is to play.
“Our primary job at the Children’s Museum of South Dakota is to play,” says Executive Director Kate Treiber. “So you know we had to get into gear, get Max some rabbit ears, and have a ROARING good time.”
All week long the Museum staff has been sporting their blue and yellow Mama T. Rex shirts. But more importantly the Museum’s animatronic dinosaur duo got into their Jacks gear, sporting jerseys, rabbit ears, and homemade signs. Mama has even been practicing for her possible debut as College GameDay’s celebrity picker. Check out some photos of the fun!
Mama T. Rex is practicing her football skills in anticipation of the big game.
Jackrabbit Challenge
The Museum team invites YOU to be at the big game.
Max can’t stop ROARING knowing that ESPN College GameDay is coming to town.SDSU Early Childhood Education majors and T. rex Max are jacked for the big game!T. rex Max is a very serious South Dakota State University football fan.
We're up in lights! #BringTheBlue
Mama T. Rex holds a giant inflatable football bathed in blue light.
Play Central Toys & Books is stocked with jackrabbits and South Dakota gear for the big game.
The Museum sign game is on point.
Ears up! The jacks are playing along in Tangle Town.
Max has his signs ready for ESPN's College GameDay.
Rabbit ears decorate exhibits on the prairie.
The gift shop has a fresh stock of blue and yellow Mama T. Rex shirts.
Want to visit Brookings but don’t have tickets to the big game?