The Many Benefits of Memory Games


The Many Benefits of Memory Games

July 13, 2020

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Time to flex your most important muscle: your brain!

Memory games are a great way to provide that mental work-out. Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs regular exercise, too.

Why are memory games such a good mental fitness exercise?

They practice several key skills which are helpful for everyone:

  • Increase attention span: Memory games require focus and concentration.
  • Recognize visual cues: Attention to detail becomes important because memory games often rely on the ability to spot the difference between two pictures or scenarios.
  • Focus on short-term memory: There’s a link between strengthening short-term memory skills and boosting long-term memory ability. Memory games are a great way to strengthen short-term memory through recalling previous information and matching it to new information.

Our favorite memory games

Memory games come in several different varieties to practice all levels of memory exercise. Try playing some of our favorites or even creating your own! 

  • Magic Cups: In this classic game, your task is to track the object beneath a cup. You will need three cups and an object to hide underneath one of them. Begin the game by showing the players which cup is hiding the object. Cover the object and begin changing the position of the cups. The object of the game is to remember which cup is hiding the object after the cups have been rearranged. If you master three cups, try adding more cups or more objects to remember!
  • What’s Missing?: To play this game, arrange several objects on a table or tray. The more variety the better! After all the objects are set up, let the players spend a few minutes looking over the collection. Then, all players close their eyes while you remove one object from the collection. Players open their eyes and try to remember what changed. You can change it up by removing more than one object, replacing an object with something completely new, or changing the position of a few objects in the collection. We also like to ask questions about the collections instead of guessing what changes. For example: How many red objects were there? Were there one or two triangles in the collections?
  • Body Beats Memory: This game works best with several friends! The first player begins the game by creating a simple beat. For example: tapping their foot twice or clapping once. The next player repeats the first beat and then adds their own. The game continues until you have created a long body beat sequence. How many body beats can you remember? 

If you are looking for more memory funwe’ve got the game for you! We created a Museum Memory game featuring our exhibits that you can download now. Print two copies front and back and then you can explore the #MuseumFromHome. If you play this game, we’d LOVE to see photos of the action. 

Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and use #PlayAlongSD.

How else can you play with the Museum Memory cards? 

Want to play at the Museum at home?