Cooked Playdough
What You’ll Need:
- 1 cup flour
- ½ cup salt
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 cup water
- 2 tablespoons oil
- Food coloring
Collect supplies and create a workspace near the kitchen. A heat source is needed.
What to Do:
- Heat flour, salt, cream of tartar.
- Add water, oil, and food coloring.
- Cook until it forms a ball-knead.
- Store in a Ziploc and refrigerate for up to a month.
Ideas for More:
- Add a scent to the Playdough, by including a drop or two of scented oil or extract
- Add glitter for a texture.
Length of Activity:
Set Up – 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Mixing – 5 minutes
Cooling time – 20 minutes
Resource: Fishback Center for Early Childhood Education Cookbook.
Rubbery Playdough
What You’ll Need:
- 2 cups baking soda
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 cup cornstarch
Collect supplies and clear a workspace, a heat source is needed.
What to Do:
- Mix with a fork until smooth.
- Stir while heating for approximately 15 minutes.
- Spoon onto plate or wax paper.
- Play!
- Store in refrigerator in a Ziploc gallon bag.
Ideas for More:
- Add food coloring to change the color
Length of Activity:
Set Up – 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Creating the Dough – 15 minutes
Cooling time -15 minutes
Kool-Aid Playdough
What You’ll Need:
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 2 cups boiling water (or heat in the microwave for 6 minutes) with 1 package Kool-aid (any flavor)
- 3 tablespoons corn oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1 tablespoon alum
Collect supplies and create a place to work, a heat source is needed.
What to Do:
- Mix ingredients and knead with flour (may take up to 1 extra cup).
- Stir for about 3 minutes to get rid of any lumps.
- Add ¼ cup flour if the dough draws moisture in high humidity.
- Knead to break up oil lumps.
- Keeps well, has a nice fragrance and is very colorful and very flexible.
- Use and create!
- Store in refrigerator in a zip-loc bag for up to a month. (Suggest to write date it was made on the bag as a reminder)
Ideas for More:
- Use the second pack of Kool-aid to double the fun!
- Add a few drops of an extract for a stronger scent
Length of Activity:
Set Up – 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Mixing – 5 minutes
Fishback Center for Early Childhood Education Cookbook
Silly Putty
What You’ll Need:
- 2 parts liquid starch
- 1 part Elmer’s glue
Collect supplies and clear a workspace.
What to Do:
- Add starch to glue.
- Mix.
Ideas for More:
- If you desire softer putty you may try using equal parts.
- Add food coloring to the liquid starch for color.
Length of Activity:
Set Up- 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Mixing-5 minutes
Resource: Fishback Center for Early Childhood Education Cookbook.
Salt Paint
What You’ll Need:
- ½ cup liquid starch
- 2 cups salt
- 1 cup water
- ½ cup flour
- Tempera powder or food coloring
Collect supplies and clear a workspace.
What to Do:
- Thoroughly mix liquid starch, salt, water and flour.
- Divide mixture for different colors.
- Slowly add food coloring or tempera powder.
- Use as paint.
- Store in a plastic bottle, such as a recycled mustard or ketchup bottle.
- Keep in the refrigerator for up to a month.
Ideas for More:
- Add glitter to paint for a slightly different effect!
Length of Activity:
Set Up – 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Mixing – 5 minutes
Resource: Fishback Center for Early Childhood Education Cookbook.
Face Paint
What You’ll Need:
- 1 tsp. cornstarch
- ½ tsp. water
- ½ tsp. cold cream
- A couple of drops of food coloring
- Muffin tin
Collect supplies and clear a workspace.
What to Do:
- In each cup of the muffin tin, mix the corn starch, water, cold cream and a food coloring of a different color for each cup.
- Stir.
- Paint your face.
- Wash your face with soapy water.
- Store paints in a plastic container for up to a month.
Ideas for More:
- Use a mirror in order for the “face-paintee” to watch the process
- Paint a whole face design
Length of Activity:
Set Up – 5 minutes if supplies are readily available
Mixing – 5 minutes
Resource: Fishback Center for Early Childhood Education Cookbook.