Learn 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Express Your Feelings


Learn 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Express Your Feelings

March 24, 2020

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Looking for a way to get active?

Play along with Play Guide Mandy and Teacher Lauren. These 5 yoga poses will help you get your wiggles out and make you feel good!

Yoga is a great way to move your body. It’s also a great way to express your feelings. We’ve combined feelings and yoga in this fun activity called … wait for it … Feelings Yoga!

Play Guide Mandy and Teacher Lauren are going to teach you five poses that can help you feel good and move your body. You don’t need any special equipment, just some space on the floor and comfortable clothing.

Play along! You might just have a few laughs along the way!

Here are the five poses we are exploring in Feelings Yoga:

1. Grateful Giraffe Pose (Extended Mountain Pose)

  • Think about something you’re grateful for and take a deep breath in and out.
  • Bring your arms up to the sky and touch your palms together.
  • Think of your arms as the long neck of a giraffe.

2. Finicky Flamingo Pose (Tree Pose)

  • Think about a time when you had trouble understanding what you needed or wanted and take a deep breath in and out.
  • Stand on one leg.
  • Bend the knee of your other leg and place the sole of that foot on your inner calf.
  • If you find it hard to balance, try putting that foot on your ankle or shoe.

3. Caring Koala (Eagle Pose)

  • Think about someone or something that makes your heart happy and take a deep breath in and out.
  • Stand tall. (This is also called Mountain Pose.)
  • Feel your feet on top of the earth.
  • Wrap your left leg around your right.
  • Then wrap your left under your right arm.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Or wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug!
  • Switch sides and repeat the steps.

4. Excited Elephant (Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

  • Think of a time that you felt very excited and take a deep breath in and out.
  • Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body.
  • Fold your body forward until the crown of your head is facing the floor.
  • Dangle your arms in front of you.
  • Clasp your hands together to form the trunk of an elephant, sway side to side gently.

5. Frustrated Frog (Squat Pose)

  • Think about a time when you felt frustrated and take a deep breath in and out.
  • Come down to a squat with your knees apart and your arms between your knees.
  • Rest your hands on the ground in front of you to become a frog.
  • Oh look, a fly! Jump into the air to catch it!

You can do yoga anytime!

Now that you have the basics, you can do yoga anytime! Come back to this post any time you might need it. Moving and stretching is a great way to help us express how we feel. We are so excited you came to play with us. See you next time!